New Hope Volunteers

Since 1998, More than 18000 happy volunteers

Cape Town Arrival Date

Arrival Date for 2015

  • Arrival dates are the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each Month with the exception of January and April due to public holidays. There are additional arrival dates during our busy periods.
  • Arrival dates are for all Programme Categories except Education and Sport which has its own separate dates.
  • Dates marked with (*) are only available for 3 week placements.
  • Environmental Programmes are not available during December and January and limited during Winter months.
  • Please note that all projects in Cape Town close down early December until mid January.
  • Wildlife arrival days are any Monday of the year
18 January 18 January
25 January 25 January
1 February 1 February
15 February 15 February
1 March 1 March*
15 March N/A
29 March N/A
12 April 12 April
19 April 19 April
3 May 3 May
17 May 17 May
31 May 31 May*
7 June N/A
14 June N/A
21 June N/A
28 June N/A
5 July N/A
12 July N/A
19 July 19 July
26 July 26 July
2 August 2 August
16 August 16 August
23 August 23 August
30 August 30 August
6 September 6 September
13 September N/A
20 September N/A
4 October N/A
18 October 18 October
1 November 1 November*
15 November* N/A

Arrival Date for 2014

  • Arrival dates are the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each Month with the exception of January, April and June due to public holidays. There are additional arrival dates during our busy periods.
  • Arrival dates are for all Programme Categories except Education and Sport which has its own separate dates.
  • Dates marked with (*) are only available for 3 week placements.
  • Environmental Programmes are not available during December and January and limited during Winter months.
  • Please note that all projects in Cape Town close down early December until mid January.
  • Wildlife arrival days are the next day, on the Monday
19 January 19 January
26 January 26 January
2 February 2 February
16 February 16 February
2 March 2 March*
16 March N/A
6 April 6 April
13 April 13 April
4 May 4 May
11 May 11 May
18 May 18 May
1 June 1 June
8 June N/A
22 June N/A
29 June N/A
6 July N/A
13 July N/A
20 July 20 July
27 July 27 July
3 August 3 August
10 August 10 August
17 August 17 August
24 August 24 August
7 September 7 September
14 September N/A
21 September N/A
5 October N/A
12 October 12 October
19 October 19 October
2 November 2 November*
16 November* N/A
© New Hope Volunteers. All rights reserved.